Category: Uncategorized

Pregunta oral hoy en el Parlamento

Acceso de los ciegos a los libros Con el fin de hacer frente al problema del acceso de los ciegos y las personas con problemas de lectura a los libros y otros productos impresos, la Unión Mundial de Ciegos y…

False arguments by European Commission in defence of ACTA

1. Myth: “ACTA is about large-scale and organized infringements of intellectual property” Reality: The criminal sanctions proposed in ACTA could apply to not-for-profit infringements of copyright.  ACTA´s article 23.1defines “commercial scale” violation of IPR as any “direct or indirect economic…

Some first thoughts on ACTA and EU competition policy

ACTA could have perverse anti-competitive effects on business models in the IT field. By strongly promoting copyright enforcement as a key function and legal responsibility of Internet Server Providers (under the guise of “self-regulation), it encourages the “functional bundling” of…