Letter on irregular vote to Chair of Legal Affairs from Orphan Works Rapporteur

Dear Mr. Lehne,

On the 1st of March at Juri Committe we were voting over my report on permitted uses of orphan works. After receiving the Votes results list from the Juri Secretariat some inconsistencies came to my attention..
According to the official protocol with the voting result on Orphan Works (attached ), there were 23 Members present for votes out of 24.- Mr. Stoyanov (NI) was absent.
During the vote I was making precise notes as to the balance of votes in favour and against to my crucial amendments.
It came to me as a surprise that for my Compromise Amendments 20 check vote announced by the Chair was 14 to 12 which gives us 26 Members!
Considering that we only have 24 Members in Juri Committee and according to the protocol only 23 were present this result is  confusing and calls for clarification.
Similar situation appears on Amendment 71 (Ms. Gallo and Mr. Borys) which pass with the result announced  13 to 12  what gives as 25 Members and my Amendment 32 which fall 13 to 11 -24 Members.
In the light of above mentioned facts I would like to ask you for precise clarification on all those matters and kind reconsideration of re-vote for my report.

Kind regards,

Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg