The future is now, Now is not the time to simply “keep on making progress.” This SCCR is the time to finish work on text for a Treaty. When this issue comes out in the open the solutions become much…
Category: Uncategorized
ACTA defeated. MEPs celebrate.
Lessons from the ACTA battles and opening up new fronts
Today in Strasbourg a massive majority of the European Parliament voted to reject ACTA It is the first time the European Parliament has rejected an international treaty already signed by the European Commission (and by 22 of 27 EU…
Position de la France sur Traité de l´OMPI des deficients visuels
Madame Aurelie Filippetti Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication 3, rue de Valois 75001 PARIS Paris le 2 juillet 2012 Objet : Traité de l’OMPI pour améliorer l’accès des aveugles, des déficients visuels et autres personnes souffrant d’un…
How secrecy in medical research harms our health
By David Hammerstein, Senior Advisor on intellectual property for the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue in Brussels. Medical research data remain shrouded in secrecy. As a result the data is distorted and misrepresented by pharmaceutical companies launching new medicines to exaggerate their…
“Why we need to open up health research data” by Peter Gotzsche
Why we need to open up health research by sharing our raw data Talk given at the meeting “Opening up medical research data for an ethical and efficient EU policy” at the European Parliament in Bruxelles, 6 June 2012. By…
Opening up medical research data for our health
“They swallowed our story, hook, line and sinker”, wrote in an e-mail the research and development director of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer after having successfully presented the new arthritis drug Celebrex, concealing the secondary effects shown in Pfizer´s own research…
SOS open access to scientific publications
The majority of EU citizens want open access to scientific publications when research has been financed by taxpayers. We ask the European Parliament to defend this call in defence of scientific advancement and the public interest. Proposals for open…
Debate on open access to clinical trial data at TACD-HAI event
Calls echo round European Parliament for wider access to clinical trial data by Peter O’Donnell BRUSSELS, June 6 (APM) – Excessive secrecy about medicines in development is putting the health of European citizens at risk, members of the European Parliament…
Open access to scientific data and publishing proposal in EU
On the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing Horizon 2020 – The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) (COM(2011)0809 – C7 0466/2011 – 2011/0401(COD)) <Commission>{ITRE}Committee on Industry, Research and Energy</Commission> Rapporteur:…