‘’Can we afford our medicines? The access to medicines crunch in Europe” European Parliament (room A3G-3), 12 November 2014, 12:30-15:00 Welcoming remarks by Kostas CHRYSOGONOS (GUE/NGL, EL) Affordable access to medicines: the situation on the ground Introduction by Beatriz BECERRA…
Presentations at event “Can we afford our medicines?” 12-11-14
Here you can find the slide presentations given at the event “Can we afford our medicines?” that took place on November 12th, 2014 at the European Parliament. The webstream of the whole event is here: http://greenmediabox.eu/en/ct/62-Can-we-afford-our-medicines- . Thanks to all…
Ten bullet points on the upside down world of pharmaceuticals, prices and access
CAN WE AFFORD OUR MEDICINES? Notes from introduction to “Can we afford our medicines?” event in EP, 12-11-2014 1. Transparency: Today there is no transparency on prices EU states pay for medicines(taxpayers often don´t know what their state health service…
The problem of unaffordable medicines and the need for health-driven innovation are not on EU agenda
Due to the high cost of medicines, millions of citizens of EU member states cannot receive proper medical treatment for a number of very serious illnesses. Practically half of the EU population is excluded from the most effective treatments for…
“Can we afford our medicines?” November 12th event.
‘’Can we afford our medicines? The access to medicines crunch in Europe” European Parliament (room A3G-3), 12 November 2014, 12:30-15:00 We would like to invite you to the conference “Can we afford our medicines? The access to medicines crunch in…
European Parliament event: “Can we afford our medicines?” November 12th
‘’Can we afford our medicines? The access to medicines crunch in Europe” European Parliament (room A3G-3), 12 November 2014, 12:30-15:00 We would like to invite you to the conference “Can we afford our medicines? The access to medicines crunch in…