“Open Science Works!” Posted on October 15, 2013 by Gwen Franck 0 This morning, I went – on behalf of Creative Commons – to the “Open Science Works!” meeting in the European Parliament. The meeting was organized under the auspices of MEP…
Category: Uncategorized
We would like to invite you to the conference “Open Science Works!” in the European Parliament on October 15th from 9:00 to 11:00 (room PHS 5B001) under the auspices of MEP Marietje Schaake with the support of the TransAtlantic Consumer…
El propuesto Acuerdo de Libre Comercio Unión Europea-Estados Unidos: ALCTA (Acuerdo de libre comercio transatlántico) o en inglés TTIP (Transatlantic trade and investment partnership – El Partneriado Transatlántico de Inversiones y Comercio) Si te preocupan el “fracking”, el precio…
The myth of Big Pharma funded medical breakthroughs
From Peter Gotzsche´s book “Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: how big pharma has corrupted health care” Radcliffe Publishing, 2013. Myth 4: Breakthroughs come from industry-funded research An often heard argument is that none of our drugs were invented by…
Big Pharma TTIP/TAFTA wish list: stronger IPR, less transparency and fewer safety regulations
The US-EU Free Trade Agreement: Tipping Over the Regulatory Barriers U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade July 24, 2013 official record John Castellani, President and CEO, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of…
The Treaty of Marrakesh explained and how to end book famine
This short document is written to explain the contents of The Treaty of Marrakesh (formal name: “The Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works by Visually Impaired Persons and Persons with Print Disabilities”). It covers the meaning and use…
Notes from Brussels TTIP stakeholders meeting
Update notes on the TTIP first negotiation round – civil society stakeholder dialogue Brussels, 16 July 2013 Damien Levie, EU Deputy Chief Negotiator for the TTIP started his presentation saying that 65 European negotiators went to DC last week. On…
Simple introduction to the Marrakesh Treaty for Visually Impaired
The Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons who are Blind, Visually Impaired, or otherwise Print Disabled The treaty, approved on June 27, 2013 after more than a week of intense debate among negotiators meeting under the…
Athens Declaration on Access to Medicines
The enduring economic crisis is affecting the ability of the Greek State to adequately provide necessary medicines as it is forced to take measures to cut public pharmaceutical spending. I. EVALUATE AND ACT UPON THE IMPACT OF AUSTERITY MEASURES ON…
TACD Closing Statement at WIPO Diplomatic Conference for Treaty of Visually Impaired
The Trans-Atlantic Consumer Dialogue is a forum for millions of consumers on both sides of the Atlantic and we are very pleased to be here for this historic event. This treaty sets a precedent on…